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Code of Conduct on School Buses and School Division Vans (Excerpts from Administrative Procedure 720)

The task of maintaining safe and comfortable transportation for students is the responsibility of bus or van drivers, students, parents, supervisors and principals. Student transportation includes rides to and from school and rides to and from Division sponsored activities. Access to student transportation is a privilege not a right. 

  1. It is the duty of every bused student to act in a responsible manner to ensure that the safety of other students, the bus or van driver and the general public is not placed at risk. 
  2. Students must respect their own privacy as well as the privacy of others and not do anything that might put their privacy or the privacy of others at risk. 
  3. Each bus or van driver has the authority and the responsibility for maintaining a safe and orderly environment on their school bus or van in a manner similar to that of a classroom.
  4. When student behaviour problems escalate beyond the scope of the bus or van driver, the school principal becomes responsible. Referrals from bus or van drivers shall be addressed in a manner similar to that received from classroom teachers.
  5. Once referred to the principal, behavioural expectations and consequences shall be consistent with expectations and procedures outlined in the school Code of Conduct. 
  6. Every bused student is accountable to the bus driver for their conduct;
    6.1 On the school bus or van and,
    6.2 In the area of bus or van pick up, transfer locations and drop off points unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone. 
  7. Bus drivers are responsible for supervising students at transfer points during wait times, drop-offs, and pick-ups when students are in the vicinity of buses. 
  8. In order to maintain consistency in timing at all bus stops, students will be at the bus stop before the regular pick up time. Buses will not usually wait for students past the regular pick up times. 
  9. It is at the discretion of the bus or van driver or principal to assign seats to students. 
  10. Students are to board and get off the bus or van quietly and in an orderly fashion.
  11. While on the bus or van, students will conduct themselves in a quiet and courteous manner showing consideration for the comfort and safety of others. Unless permission is granted by the bus or van driver, students will remain in their seats at all times. 
  12. While seated, students will keep their feet, arms, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc. out of the aisle and will have control over their belongings at all times. 
  13. Students will refrain from eating on the bus or van. 
  14. Possession or use of drugs, tobacco, vaping products or alcohol on the bus or van or at transfer points is strictly prohibited. 
  15. Items such as knives or firearms must never be brought on the bus or van.
  16. Use of profane language is strictly prohibited. 
  17. Students must never tamper with, damage, or deface any part of the bus or van or its equipment. Students who willfully damage a bus or van will be held accountable. 
  18. Windows may not be opened unless permission is received from the bus or van driver. Objects may not be thrown out of the bus, nor is it permitted to have any part of the body or any object extended out of the bus or van. 
  19. The use of electronic or digital devices for the purpose of recording, storing, or transmitting images, video or audio is strictly prohibited. 
  20. During inclement weather or extreme weather appropriate clothing is to be worn. The Division reserves the right to deny service to students unsuitably dressed. 
  21. Where, on an evening run, a student’s conduct is unacceptable, the driver has the right to refuse service for the following morning. 
  22. The driver will report any unacceptable behavior to the principal of the school where the student is in attendance. Misbehavior could result in the suspension of bus privileges and suspension or expulsion from school. 
  23. Misbehaviour protocol:
    23.1 Bus drivers will post behavioral expectations in a prominent place in the bus and will verbally review such expectations and the consequences of violating them with their bus students each September.
    23.2 Bus drivers will keep a written log of all behavioral incidents. If it is not recorded, there was no incident.
    23.3 If a student behaves inappropriately, the bus driver will speak to the student in an attempt to resolve the matter.
    23.4 Should the misbehavior continue, the driver will contact the parents advising them of the situation and the possibility of suspension of bus privileges.
    23.5 If there is no change, the bus driver will recommend in writing that the principal suspend the student from transportation privileges as per Administrative Procedure 723.
    23.6 If the inappropriate behavior still continues, the bus driver will contact the principal for further investigation and possible action.
    23.7 If the student behaviour or violation of rules places anyone in immediate danger the bus driver shall immediately stop the bus and contact the Manager of Transportation.