General Consequences
The supervisor will judge the situation according to the severity and the age of the student.
- Minor Offenses – running in the halls, play fighting, throwing snowballs, foul language, and other minor violations.
- Consequences
- discussions with student, possible detention, alternate recess times, and loss of privileges
- Corrections and/or consequences are handled by the supervisor.
- Habitual minor offenses may require office/parental involvement.
- Consequences
- Major Offenses – physical or verbal abuse of staff or students, theft, fighting, defiance, consistent failure to do work, damage to property, and verbal intimidation or threats.
- Consequences
- Principal will be made aware of the incident.
- Parents will be contacted.
- Problem solving plans, removal of privileges, out of class detention, out of school suspension or other measures deemed appropriate by the staff may be taken.
- Consequences