SRSD Division Code of Conduct (Excerpts from Administrative Procedure 300 – Appendix A)
- Students can expect that:
- Staff will treat them with courtesy, respect, consistency, and fairness.
- Clear, relevant lessons will be presented along with explanations for the evaluation procedures to be used.
- They will be able to work in a school atmosphere which is safe, secure, non-threatening and conducive to their learning.
- School administration and staff will monitor students.
- They will have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities offered in the Division.
- Students can be expected to:
- Attend school regularly and punctually.
- Be prepared for all classes by bringing the required materials and completed assignments.
- Complete work missed due to absence.
- Develop self-discipline and show courtesy for all people in the school and in the community.
- Make the most of educational opportunities through active classroom participation and involvement in other school activities, both in and out of class.
- Take pride in their work and what they have accomplished.
- Resolve interpersonal conflicts and difficulties through discussions or by seeking assistance from school personnel.
- Show respect for school property and the personal property of others.
- Demonstrate behavior that contributes to an orderly, supportive and safe learning environment.
- Respect and demonstrate consideration for other cultures.
- Staff can expect that:
- Students will treat them with courtesy, respect, and fairness.
- Students will attend class regularly.
- Students will attend classes with assignments completed, and with appropriate materials.
- Students will behave appropriately on the way to and from school, at school, and at school sponsored activities.
- Everyone associated with the school will be treated with courtesy.
- Parents will communicate openly with them about matters that might affect the performance of their son or daughter.
- Students will work to the best of their ability.
- They will work in an environment that is safe, secure and non-threatening.
- Staff can be expected to:
- Establish and maintain a safe, secure, non-threatening learning environment.
- Evaluate student achievement and explain the evaluation procedures to be used in each course.
- Communicate information about student progress, attendance and behavior to students, parents and administration.
- Maintain open communication.
- Treat students fairly and consistently.
- Respect the rights of all individuals.
- Teach the Saskatchewan curriculum diligently and provide the programs and services prescribed by the Division.
- Challenge each student to perform to the best of his/her ability.
- Respect and demonstrate consideration for other cultures.
- Parents can expect that:
- Teachers will teach the required Ministry of Education Core Curriculum as well as provide the assigned programs and services and use appropriate teaching practices and methods.
- Staff will abide by, support and promote the Code of Conduct.
- Staff will communicate with the home whenever there is a problem with respect to discipline, learning progress or attendance.
- Students will receive fair and consistent treatment.
- Staff will cooperate to create an atmosphere that is conducive to a positive learning environment which is orderly, supportive, safe and challenging.
- Parents can be expected to:
- Instill in their son or daughter:
- The desire to work to the best of his/her ability
- An understanding of the importance of education
- Respect for the rights of fellow students and staff
- Respect for property and resources
- Recognition of the authority of the school staff to ensure a safe, secure, non-threatening learning environment.
- Maintain regular communication with their son or daughter about school matters.
- Ensure that their son or daughter attends regularly and punctually.
- Attend their school’s events and meetings, and give constructive input and support to their school.
- Maintain open communication with all staff.
- Provide the equipment their son or daughter needs for school/learning.
- Respect and demonstrate consideration for other cultures.
- Instill in their son or daughter: