Student Illness Policy
If your child is showing signs of illness (a bad cough, very runny nose, flu or flu-like symptoms), we ask that you please keep them home until their condition improves. This will help to prevent the spread to other students and staff.
Communicable Diseases
Communicable diseases can spread rapidly through a classroom. To control the spread of illness, children who have a fever, diarrhea, or rashes should not attend school until they are well and/or have been treated by a doctor.
Children with the following conditions should not attend school until they have been treated:
- Head lice
- Strep throat
- Scabies
- Scarlet fever
- Ringworm
- Eye infections (pink eye)
- Impetigo
SHA Communicable Disease Control in Schools and Child Care Centres
Medication Policy
Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division schools attempt to provide a safe and secure environment for all students. A policy has been established to administer medication to students. Parents are to contact the Principal when their child requires medication.
Medical Alert
Please be aware that we are a “nut alert” school. We have students that are extremely allergic to all nut products; therefore, nut products of any kind are not allowed in the school. Please keep this in mind when packing lunches and snacks. Be sure to read product ingredient labels carefully.